Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Reading is FUN!

In our classroom, I foster a love of reading. The students are encouraged to read a wide range of literature and try out new genres. A trip to the local library is also a fun way to develop healthy reading habits. Here are some photos of students enjoying reading in the classroom. The Year 3s have also made a great start to their Literacy Pro adventure, having already read over 80 000 words. They are hoping to have read 100 000 by the end of next week!  Photo credit: Steph

Independence and Responsibility

This term, we are focussing on the students demonstrating independence and responsibility in the classroom. I have been pleased at home the students have taken on their team roles in such a mature manner, demonstrating good co-operation. Every student also had a weekly classroom job. Some of the favourites are Teacher’s Assistant, Paparazzi and Gardener. Photo Credit: Indiannah

Parent Info Evening

Thanks to all the parent who took the time to come along to this session. I hope you found it informative. Please check the blog regularly to stay updated.

Aussie Day Fundraiser

Last Friday, we had our Aussie Day dress up to raise money for the victims of the bushfires. The students looked fabulous and your generous donations were greatly appreciated. Photos courtesy of Indi :)

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Speaking and Listening Task- Week 4

Next week, the students will be giving a short (2-3 minute) presentation, formally introducing themselves to their classmates. The presentations will be held on Thurday and Friday of Week 4. The Year 2s will present on Thursday afternoon and the Year 3s will be presenting on Friday.

The prompts below will help them with some ideas for their talk. They may choose to bring a prop, poster, photo or powerpoint to support their speech, however, this is NOT compuslory. Encourage your child to practice what they will say during the upcoming week, so that they can feel more confident.

Thanks for your support,
Miss B



Monday, 17 February 2020

Talk Homework- Week 3

Tomorrow we will be writing a persuasive text on the topic below. The students are encouraged to talk to an adult for 5 minutes, explaining their ideas. This should be an oral language task- they do not need to write anything down. Happy chatting :)

Monday, 10 February 2020

First Week Reflections


Wow! Can you believe Week One is over already? We had lots of fun getting to know each other, making new friends and visiting different parts of the school. Here are some of the things the students enjoyed this week:

“The thing I liked this week was putting the plants in the pot.”
“I loved sport because we got to play a fun game.”
“I love art because I want to be an artist.”
“I loved learning about how to do Sizzling Starts.”
“My favourite thing this week was meeting my teacher and friends.”
“I liked Warm and Fuzzy Wednesday because I felt all fuzzy.”

Gardening Fun

On Friday, Ms Roberts gave us some new flowers to plant in our class pot, to make it more colourful. We have a lovely geranium and some little petunia seedlings. We have given them some fertiliser and lots of water so we hope they will grow beautifully. Our class gardeners are very excited to continue to care for our flowers each day.

Maths Masters

In Maths, we have been revising place value concepts; reading, writing and breaking numbers apart. We have been comparing 3 and 4 digit numbers and one of the highlights was learning a fun card game, where you compete with a partner to make the biggest number with randomly selected cards. This year, our school will also be working on improving the mental maths skills of the students.

Literacy Legends

This week, our focus strategy was Self-Questioning. We talked about how good readers think of questions they have about the events and characters in texts and read on to find the answers. Good readers are like detectives! Here, the students are playing “Hot Seat,” they were pretending to be a character from the story being ‘interviewed’ by their partner. Some of the answers had the interviewers in stitches!


The students also wrote about something fun they did in the holidays. We revised the features of a recount, focussing on how we can create a “Sizzling Start” that hooks our reader in. We discussed using language creatively to describe events, rather than just telling the reader straight away. The children then wrote postcards from the favourite place they visited in the holidays. Here are some of the wonderful examples:

Splash! I could hear the waves splashing the sand. I walked in the golden sand and went in the water, up to my knees.~Maahir

People were rushing into the cinema. I coud smell the cooking popcorn, while it was popping wildly... Finally the movie started. I sprang our of my chair and called out, "Jumanji Level Two!"~Erin

I hear people chattering, getting ready to watch the movie. When it started, silence hit the crowd.~Manav

"This is a Magic Place, We are Making Tomorrow."

In the school Administration Block, we have a quote that says, "This is a magic place, we are making tomorrow." We talked about what this meant and made discussed what we thought made Wattle Grove Primary such a special place to learn and play in. Here are some of our ideas:
"Wattle Grove is a magic place because everyone gives 120%, working together to make a brighter future." ~Miss B

"Wattle Grove is a magic place because you will learn Maths, art and more! There's not much rubbish at our school." ~Tahlia

"Wattle Grove is a magic place because it is big and has large classrooms."~Eli

"Wattle Grove is a magic place because you can make lots of friends, everyone in the school together." ~Manav

"Wattle Grove is a magic place because you get a really great education." ~Alistair

"Wattle Grove is a magic place because it is a friendly place. If someone is sad, others play woth them." ~Ananya

First Day Fun

We had an action packed first day! We started off with a class word sleuth, unpacking all our new things and taking a tour of our school, including our new play areas. Next, we played some team building activities and talked about what we hoped the year would be like. In the afternoon, we made an All About Me poster, which are featured on our Wow Work Wall. I feel so grateful to be working with such a hard-working, kind and enthusiastic bunch of students!
Miss B :)

Welcome Back

Image result for welcome to our blog
Welcome back to school everybody! I trust you have all had a relaxing holiday break. I always look forward to coming back to Wattle Grove Primary and it was lovely to be greeted by so many happy faces on the first day of school. The children have settled in well and are keen to learn lots of new things this year.
Throughout the week, the children visit several specialist teachers.
On Tuesday they go to Sport with Mrs Oliver. In the summer months, it is particularly important that the students come to school with a hat and drink bottle each day. On Wednesday, it’s Music with Mr Honey. On Thursday, the children visit the library. They will need to remember their books and library bag to be able to borrow new books. On Friday, the students have Italian with Mrs Isaia and Art (odd weeks) with Miss Randall. They require an art shirt/old shirt to wear over their uniforms for messy activities.
I am really looking forward to working with you and your child this year. Please check this page regularly to keep up to date with all the exciting things happening in Room 14.
Miss B