Room 12 Assembly Script
Good Morning and
welcome to Room 12’s Assembly. Sharnie
Please stand for
the National Anthem. Zanetta
Please be seated. Elijah
In room 12 we love to read! Aliyah
Fairy tales, Mysteries, Adventures… We love them all! Sharon
We will now present a song to you called “Gotta Keep Reading.” Cameron
Could Ms Roberts
please come and address the assembly, then present the Merit Certificates Ali
Thankyou Ms
Roberts. Annalisa
Could Mrs Grainger
please present the rest of the Merit Certificates and give us a Literacy Pro
Update. Francis
Thankyou Mrs
Grainger. Haziq
In Room 12 we have been writing some nifty narratives. Emily
We took characters and events from famous fairy tales and made our own new ones! Lilly
Elaha will now present her fairy tale for your enjoyment. Emily
Person #1 selected to share their fairy tale ?????
Could Mr Meachem please present the Science Award. Muzafer
Thank you Mr
Meachem. Farin
The Student Reps will now present their report. Luke
Thank you Student Reps. Please stand for the school song. Oliver
Please be seated. Shajin
Thank you for watching our assembly. Yash
We hope you enjoyed it! Shayla
Could all honour certificate recipients please remain behind for a
photo. Students, please wait to be directed by your teachers.