Sunday 9 November 2014

News Telling

This term, we have been improving our listening and speaking skills by telling news in our Kagan teams each Friday. Each week there is an exciting new topic for us to think about at home and then share with our friends.

Here are the topics (for those of you who may not have had a chance to see our window). Please encourage your child to have planned and practiced their news prior to Friday, to ensure they feel confident presenting to their peers.

Literacy- Holiday recount. What was the most enjoyable thing that you did in the holidays? You  might like to bring a photo, a ticket, a map etc.
Literacy- Procedure. Bring in something you have made it at home. What did you need to make it? What steps did you take? Are you happy with the result?
Maths- Mapping. Bring in a map to share. What features does it have? Whay did you choose it?
Maths- Learn a card game. Tell your team how to play it. What are the rules? What is the goal?
Science- Push/Pull- Bring in a toy that works by pushing or pulling it. Does it change shape? Does it move?
History- Choose an important person from the school or local community. What is their job? Why are the important? How do they help?
History- Past and Present. Choose a household object and explain how it has changed from the past to present. How has it changed/improved? You may like to bring in some pictures or labelled drawings.
Health- What is the thing you are most proud of and what did you have to do to achieve it? Maybe you’ve won a trophy, achieved your goal or learnt something new.
Health- What is a goal that you want to achieve next year? How will you achieve it? Who can help you achieve your goal?
Health- What was your favourite memory of being in Room 12? Who was it with? Why was it special?

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Maths Update

In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication. We watched a digital story "100 Hungry Ants"  and then in our teams explored the different ways we can make 100 using the Unifix cubes. We talked about putting objects into arrays to make them easier to count.

Learning Journey Evening

On September 27th, Room 12 opened its doors to give family members a glimpse at the daily learning that takes place in the classroom. A big thank you to all the wonderful parents and family members that came along to this even, the children were so excited to have you share in this with them! There were lots of fun stations, with the favourite being the in-class movie theatre, starring the superstars of Room 12.

Saturday 20 September 2014

The glorious spring sunshine today left us feeling particularly "Happy."
Video: Elijah and Haziq
Music: Sharnie .... and Pharell Williams

Monday 15 September 2014

Faction Carnival

On Thursday the 11th of Sepetember, we had our Faction Carnival. The spring sunshine was glorious and a great time was had by all. The children all did a fantastic job, competing in a running race and 2 team events. It was great to see so many of you come and support this event, including the P & C who put on a fantastic sausage sizzle! The results were as follows:
1st place- Blue
2nd Place- Purple
3rd Place- Red
4th Place- Orange

Mr Sanderson's Science Magic!

This term, we have been exploring Chemical Science and how things can change. We had a great time with our buddy class, exploring how the ink from textas change when we add water. The highlight of the visit was when Mr S showed us his magic beads, which magically change colour when exposed to UV light. We also have loved exploring all the cool things he left us for our investigation centre, including our very own UV lamp! 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Book Week 2014

On Monday the 25th of August, Wattle Grove celebrated Book Week with the annual parade. In Room 12 students dressed up as their favourite character from Enid Blyton's "The Enchanted Wood," which happens to be Miss B's favourite childhood story that she was read in primary school too! Our classroom was filled with all sorts of magical fairies and wizards, not to mention the 3 main characters of the story- Jo, Bessie and Fanny. Thanks again to parents for the fabulous costumes!

Class Assembly

On Thursday, Room 12 had their class assembly. It was great to see so many family members and friends attend! The children gave a spectacular performance and should be so proud of the way they learnt and remembered all their lines. A huge thank you to all the parents with your help in costuming our "verbaliscious" superstars. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated!

Black and White Day

On Tuesday, the 19th of August, Wattle Grove PS held a successful Black and White fundraiser. Thank you to all the students who dressed up to support this cause, to raise money to help save the Tasmanian Devils.

Semester 2 Student Councillors

Congratulations to Elaha and Muzafer who were appointed as Room 12's Student Councillors for Semester Two and recognised at last week's assembly. These student both show confidence and initiative in the classroom, co-operate well with their peer and have effective problem solving skills. They will represent our class at Student Council meetings, which occur twice a term and give students the opportunity to raise ideas for school improvement.  A big thank you to our Semester One Councillors, Yash and Emily, for the fantastic job they did in this role last semester.

Value of the Month

The focus value for August was co-operation. Co-operation means working effectively as part of a team to get a job complete. Pictured below are children working in their Co-operative Learning Teams to design posters for display around the school, regarding playground rules and responsibilities. Our Student Councillors then had the opportunity to showcase these at the whole school assembly held this term.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Lapathon Fundraiser

Last Friday, the students participated in a whole school fundraiser, to raise money for more iPads to be purchased for our school. There are prizes up for grabs so please ensure that all forms are filled out and donations returned to the front office by next Friday the 22nd of August. Thanks for your co-operation :)

Fitness Frenzy

In the lead up to Faction Carnival in Week 6, we have been exploring what makes a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is important because it makes our lungs and heart work faster, which makes them stronger. We learnt how to check our pulse and feel our heart beating. We counted how many beats we felt in a minute and then we did some stretches and spent 2 minutes running on the spot. Some of us felt exhausted and had to have a drink and sit down! We then checked our pulse again. Our hearts were beating much faster and stronger than before. We also noticed that our cheeks felt warm and some of us were starting to sweat.

Change Detectives

In Science this term we are investigating how things change when we heat and cool them and the different states of matter. We have been using our critical thinking to make predictions and have been learning to follow a procedure to complete simple experiments. Our favourite one so far has been making homemade ice cream!
First, we some sloshy milk mixed, some sugar and vanilla essence (which smells really yummy) into a zip lock bag and closed it tight.
Next, we put our little zip lock bag into a big zip lock bag. We had to add crushed ice and 6 tablespoons of salt to the big bag.
Then, we sealed the big bag and shook it for a few minutes. The salt and ice react to make the temperature really cold and before we knew it the milk had gone solid!
Lastly, we added sprinkles and put our tasty treat in a bowl. Delicious!