Sunday 9 November 2014

News Telling

This term, we have been improving our listening and speaking skills by telling news in our Kagan teams each Friday. Each week there is an exciting new topic for us to think about at home and then share with our friends.

Here are the topics (for those of you who may not have had a chance to see our window). Please encourage your child to have planned and practiced their news prior to Friday, to ensure they feel confident presenting to their peers.

Literacy- Holiday recount. What was the most enjoyable thing that you did in the holidays? You  might like to bring a photo, a ticket, a map etc.
Literacy- Procedure. Bring in something you have made it at home. What did you need to make it? What steps did you take? Are you happy with the result?
Maths- Mapping. Bring in a map to share. What features does it have? Whay did you choose it?
Maths- Learn a card game. Tell your team how to play it. What are the rules? What is the goal?
Science- Push/Pull- Bring in a toy that works by pushing or pulling it. Does it change shape? Does it move?
History- Choose an important person from the school or local community. What is their job? Why are the important? How do they help?
History- Past and Present. Choose a household object and explain how it has changed from the past to present. How has it changed/improved? You may like to bring in some pictures or labelled drawings.
Health- What is the thing you are most proud of and what did you have to do to achieve it? Maybe you’ve won a trophy, achieved your goal or learnt something new.
Health- What is a goal that you want to achieve next year? How will you achieve it? Who can help you achieve your goal?
Health- What was your favourite memory of being in Room 12? Who was it with? Why was it special?

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